Homeopathy for Migraines

I’ve noticed that I’ve successfully treated a number of patients with homeopathy for migraines this month so thought it might be timely to do a blog on what can be an awful and debilitating condition.

Migraines effect 35 million people in the U.S and around 10 million people in the U.K, which is more than the number of diabetes, asthma and epilepsy combined and the most common neurological reasons for attending A&E. Also, migraines are up to three times more prevalent in women than they are in men.


What is a migraine

Migraine is a condition or a syndrome, not just a headache. Headache is a key symptom but not always present during a migraine. The headache pain is caused by nerve-controlled inflammation of the dura, or the membrane between the brain and the skull.

Common treatment for migraines include:

NSAIDs painkillers such as Ibuprfen and triptans  are used to treat migraines. But excessive use of NSAIDs can lead to stomach ulcers, heart and kidney pains and in some instances strokes. Triptans can lead to heart attacks, strokes and blood circulation problems and have even been linked to severe major depression in long term users.

Causes of a migraine

The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but there are several possible triggers and factors that may contribute to them:

  • Hormonal changes: Migraines are often linked to hormonal shifts, such as those that occur before menstruation
  • Stress and emotions: Stress, anxiety, and depression can trigger migraines
  • Diet: Certain foods and drinks, such as alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, citrus, aged cheese, red wine, and smoked fish, can trigger migraines
  • SleepSleep deprivation and changes in sleep patterns can trigger migraines
  • Environmental factors: Exposure to bright lights, flickering screens, loud noises, strong smells, and changes in the weather can trigger migraines
  • Physical factors: Poor posture, neck or shoulder tension, jet lag, teeth grinding, and strenuous exercise can trigger migraines
  • Other factors: Dehydration, hunger, schedule changes, and smoking can trigger migraines
  • Genetics: There may be genetic causes of migraines, and you’re more likely to get them if you have a close family member who does.


Types of migraines:

  • Migraine with aura

Also known as a classic migraine, this type has warning signs before the migraine, such as flashing lights.

  • Migraine without aura

The most common type of migraine, which occurs without warning signs.

  • Migraine aura without headache

Also known as a silent migraine, this type has migraine symptoms but no headache.

  • Ocular migraine

Also known as an ophthalmic or retinal migraine, this type causes a brief loss of vision in one eye, along with a dull ache behind the eye.

  • Hemiplegic migraine

This type causes motor weakness or loss of muscle strength, usually on one side of the body.

  • Migraine with brainstem aura

This type can cause dizziness, confusion, loss of balance, trouble speaking, ringing in the ears, and vomiting. It’s linked to hormone changes and mainly affects young adult women.

  • Status migrainosus

This intense type of migraine can last more than 72 hours and can require hospitalization.

  • Ophthalmoplegic migraine

This type causes pain around the eye and may paralyse the muscles around it.


Homeopathy for migraines in my practice

I see many migraines in my practice but unusually it is not always the primary reason why a patient seeks treatment. It may be because they have lived with them for so long ant think that there is no treatment apart from taking painkillers when a migraine starts to present. But painkillers, over time, can have a marked effect on your liver, which in turn can lead to more headaches, so a vicious circle can be created.

Thankfully homeopathy can be really effective in treating migraines, and the patient usually notices an improvement within a few weeks. Even if they have been suffering with them for several years.


Case example:

Kate was in her early 40’s and described herself as quite a headachy person and was experiencing headaches most days. Some of them tipping into migraines.  She would often experience stomach issues with the migraines and headaches. She was experiencing a lot at work. Although she was very good at her job, she doubted her capability and would often overextend herself to prove herself to her boss and was not great at saying no. She suffered from anxiety and cared considerably what others thought of her.

She craved chocolate and sweets. She said that she always got a headache with a hangover and the migraines were more prevalent before her period. I prescribed Lycopodium as a constitutional remedy and also Berberis and Chelidonium as a liver and kidney support, as these organs showed signs of overload, especially in the lead up to her period I asked her to come back in four weeks’ time.


When she returned, she said that she had not had a headache in three weeks. Which was amazing as she couldn’t remember a time when she had been headache and migraine free for so long. She was also feeling less stressed and more confident at work. Making decisions without asking for others confirmation. She was setting boundaries with her boss and finding herself saying no when she was in danger of overextending herself. On her third visist to me she said that she had experienced a headache prior to her period. I prescribed as the headache felt  throbbing  and it had a hormonal aspect to it. He has not experienced any headaches since.


Homeopathy for migraines:

Listed below are the most common remedies that I have used to treat this condition. As well as these remedies I like to prescribe liver and kidney support remedies. This is because if a person suffers from migraines, then these organs are usually compromised. So, it’s good to add these to the prescription in a low potency to offer support in this area.


This type of migraine or headache can have a Gastric, rheumatic, congestive or bilious aspect to the  headache, which can be worse for any motion. Even of the eyeballs. The head feels as if it is being hit by a hammer and is worse from stooping or even opening the eyes. The scalp is so sensitive it cannot even bear to be brushed. Pain over the left eye traveling to the back of the head.

Natrum mur

Blinding headache or migraine. Feels as if a thousand little hammers are hitting the brain. Or a throbbing brain. Migraines over the eyes with numbness or disturbed vision. Migraines from sunrise to sunset. Headaches before or during a period. Migraines caused by grief. Migraines bought on by sunlight or sunstroke. Also, good to prescribe if there is a hormonal component to the migraine.


A migraine begins with blurred vision. Dull throbbing or shooting pain in the right side of the forehead. Migraines over the left eye with nausea. Migraine with alternating sides. Sick headaches with a gastric or hepatic component. A person can see visual disturbances such as flashing lights or zigzags.

Kali bich

Migraines in small spots from suppressed catarrh. Periodic headaches with nausea and vertigo. Headaches over eyebrows preceded by blurred vision.

Nux vomica

Migraines on the crown of the head or over the eyes. A Sensation as if a nail is being driven through the top of the head. Toxic headaches from drugs or alcohol or general hangover headaches.

Argentum nit

Not such a common remedy for migraines or headaches, but one that I have used very effectively in my practice when the headache or migraine appears to  be caused by stress and anxiety. The head feels like it is in a vice or with a boring pain. The patient can also experience coldness and trembling with the headache. Migraines that end in vomiting.


Another remedy to prescribe if excess hormones or a hormone imbalance might be a factor. Migraine or headache on alternating sides. Headaches before or during a period. Headaches with nausea or vomiting. The patient can find the smell of food repulsive during a headache.


Good also when there is also a gastric element to the headache or migraine. A person needing Lycopodium can be commanding in the home but under confident in the workplace. They crave sweets and sugar. It has a strong affinity with the liver so symptoms can be worse around the menses when the liver becomes overburdened.

Berberis and Chelidonium

A great combination remedy to prescribe to support the organs of elimination, the liver and Kidneys.


Call to action

If migraines are something that you suffer from and would like to find out how I or homeopathy may be able to help you then please get in touch. I offer free 15 minute chats if you would like to discuss further available at https://melissaforeman.co.uk/book-now