Perimenopause can be a difficult time for most women.
If you are suffering from increased period problems, or IBS since entering perimenopause then you are probable suffering from oestrogen dominance. High levels of oestrogen can cause headaches and migraines. Wild fluctuations in oestrogen can cause mood swings, sleep problems and heavy periods. Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle can result in more and more periods in a shorter space of time due to less ovulation. This leads to less progesterone and results in more PMS and heavy periods.
Increasing progesterone is tricky so the best alternative is to try to bring oestrogen levels into balance by regulating oestrogen or by increasing its detoxification.
IBS and Gastric issues
Many women do not realise that their stomach and bowel problems could be a result of the perimenopause but fluctuating hormones do affect this area of the body too. Oestrogen affects the stress hormone cortisol, so subsequently when oestrogen levels drop, cortisol levels rise, which raises both blood pressure and blood sugars. Elevated blood pressure and blood sugars slow down the release of stomach acids, such as bile, as well as the emptying of stomach contents into the small intestine, leading to symptoms such as constipation, gas and bloating. When oestrogen and progesterone levels suddenly rise (as part of their continual fluctuation) women can experience diarrhoea as a result of the muscles from the colon relaxing.
Thyroid Health
Another important sign to look out for during this time are thyroid problems. The Thyroid can be compromised during perimenopause and menopause and is particularly vulnerable to higher cortisol levels caused by stress. So self care measures at this time are very important. Unfortunately we live in a society that merits over work and exhaustion. Our bodies do not and will find a way to slow you down if you repeatedly have your pedal to the metal. It should also be noted that thyroid problems are easily overlooked by GP’s, as they are hard to detect with standard blood tests. If you are experiencing thyroid symptoms then chances are there is a problem that you should address. For more info on Hypothyroid symptoms visit my blog at
Homeopathy is a great way to balance hormones and as a homeopath I would, after a detailed consultation, prescribe a constitutional remedy to address the symptoms. I will often give a blend of hormones in homeopathic form, as extra support. There are also homeopathic remedies that can prep and support the liver, in a gentle and effective way.
I also believe in arming the patient with as many tools as possible to lesson the effects of perimenopause. These include diet, supplements and herbal blends prepared in a more homeopathic way (Homeobotanicals).
Diet is a very important. Inflammatory foods are to be avoided, as they are hormone disruptors. These include:
Processed vegetable oils
Foods to increase:
Vegetables; especially cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, broccoli and brussels sprouts as they all contain indole 3 carbinol, which helps break down the oestrogen that needs to be eliminated.
Fermented foods such a live natural yogurt, Kimchi and and Sauerkraut which promote good bacteria again helping detoxification.
Magnesium; The miracle Mineral for periods. An all round hormone balancer. An absolute must for anyone going through perimenopause and is particularly good in combatting period headaches or migraines.
Iodine; down regulates your oestrogen receptors and shelters you from the oestrogen rollercoaster. It also prevents fibroids and breast cancer.
Vitamin B6 aids in oestrogen detoxification and also boosts dopamine and serotonin.
Diindolylmethane also known as DIM or indole-3- carbinol is a phytonutrient from cruciferous vegetables and good for combatting heavy flow.
Calcium d- glucarate is another phytonutrient and promotes the detoxification of oestrogen
Coenzyme Q10 revitalises aging ovarian follicles.
Probiotics; for good gut health and to help the detoxification of oestrogen.
Homeobotanicals Female balance.
A of blend:
Black Cohosh
Blue Cohosh
Chaste tree
Cramp bark
Dong quai
Pasque flower
Shepherds purse
Sqaw vine
Wild Yam
Ashwaganda; stimulates the healthy production of thyroid hormone and is a reproductive regulator.
Liver support
Supporting the liver function is critical to ensuring oestrogen detoxification. The liver has many jobs and can be overwhelmed around menstruation as it has to cope with not only eliminating food chemicals, environmental toxins and alcohol but the elimination of oestrogen as well.
Homeobotanicals liver and gallbladder tonic containing:
Dandelion Root
Fringe Tree
Globe Artichoke
Greater Celnandine
St Mary’s Thistle
Hopefully this will provide some insight into perimenopause period symptoms and their causes. I hope it will familiarise you with tools available to combat what can be frequent, debilitating and tiresome symptoms. For the best results I would always recommend seeing a homeopath but with the information provided, you can get on the path to better health and wellbeing at what can be a challenging time.