Treating children’s  eczema with homeopathy

Treating children’s eczema with homeopathy

Eczema in industrialised nations has increased by 3 fold, effecting 25% of children worldwide. Eczema is defined as a chronic relapsing inflammatory skin condition and is usually treated with steroid cream. Corticosteroids do not cure eczema and have side effects. The...
The Benefits Of Ashwagandha

The Benefits Of Ashwagandha

Homeobotanical’s which, I regularly prescribe to my patients has expanded its range and I’m quite excited because one of the new additions is Ashwaganda. Ashwagandha is a herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It is considered to be an...
Hypothyroidism-Friends and Enemies

Hypothyroidism-Friends and Enemies

Thyroid hormones help regulate your metabolism, which means it has a great impact on your weight, your energy levels and your mood. A healthy thyroid usually means a happy person. So it is vitally important to keep the Thyroid nourished and healthy. What causes...
Shingles; Effective treatment with Homeopathy

Shingles; Effective treatment with Homeopathy

Homeopathy can be very successful in treating skin conditions such as Psoriasis and Eczema, however I’ve had a few cases of shingles lately in varying in degrees of severity.  One was a case of just one blister, not too painful, which disappeared almost immediately...
Homeopathy for H. Pylori

Homeopathy for H. Pylori

Homeopathy for H.pylori I thought I would share this blog with you to show how effective homeopathy for H.pylori can be. A patient came to see me recently after testing positively for H.pylori. She had been feeling ill for several months with symptoms of an ache and...